Mérida - Noticias

martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

LAGO Venezuela

Large Aperture GRB Observatory at Pico Espejo

As a part of the international LAGO collaboration, three WCD are being installed at Pico Espejo, in the Sierra Nevada National Park, Merida, Venezuela. The project is a collaboration between Universidad de Los Andes at Merida, Universidad Simon Bolivar at Caracas, and the LAGO project.

The LAGO Pico Espejo station is situated at the last station of the Merida Cable Car (Teleferico de Merida), at 4765 meters, overlooking the city of Merida. The data acquiring system will be situated in the Humboldt Research Station, a facility provided by Universidad de Los Andes.

The Nuclear Physics Laboratory at Universidad Simón Bolívar and the Centro Atomico Bariloche (Argentina) are responsible for the electronics of the detectors and the general experimental design. Simulations for GRB detection at Pico Espejo are currently running at the High Energy Physics and Gravitation Research Center (CIGAE) at Universidad Simón Bolívar in colaboration with Universidad de Granada (Spain)

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